Cockatiel Feather Loss | Know Why Your Cockatiel Is Losing Feathers


In this article, we will discuss cockatiel feather loss which can be underwings, around eyes, on the head, or around the neck. Your cockatiel's feathers, skin, nails, and beak can give you telltale signs about what's happening in your cockatiel's body. Especially, about their nutritional needs. The old saying "you are what you eat" is very true and will reflect in your cockatiel's feathers, skin, nails, and beak.

Healthy and active cockatiels will preen their feathers throughout the day. Dirty feathers will not do for a cockatiel because it affects its flight. They of course want the best-looking feathers to attract a mate too. Therefore, if your cockatiel is not interested in preening, take that as a red flag. The cockatiel is possibly sick.

cockatiel feather loss

Nutritional deficiencies which can cause cockatiel feather loss

In order to stop losing feathers of your cockatiel, you need to complete its vitamins deficiencies. Buy the best Multivitamin Food Supplement from this link.

Vitamin A

(cockatiel Feathers will be dull and thin)
sources for vitamin A
  • bell peppers
  • broccoli
  • cooked sweet potatoes
  • spinach
  • carrots


(cockatiel Feather loss)
sources for biotin
  • eggs
  • banana
  • nuts
  • cooked sweet potatoes


(cockatiel feathers will be brittle and frayed)
sources for calcium
  • eggs
  • kale
  • spinach
  • broccoli
  • plain corn flakes


(there can be depigmentation to dark feathers)
sources for copper
  • sunflower seeds
  • almonds
  • spinach
  • sweet potatoes
  • mango


(uncharacteristic color changes to feathers)
sources for iron
  • nuts
  • dried
  • apricots
  • lentils
  • spinach


(this will delay feather growth you may find pigment deficiency and stress bars)
sources for lysine
  • dried apricots
  • mangoes
  • beets
  • pears
  • red and green peppers

Pantothenic acid

(this acid causes pigment deficiency and growth of contour feathers in your cockatiel)
sources for pantothenic acid
  • broccoli
  • eggs
  • whole grains
  • sunflower seeds


(thin and brittle casings of pine feathers)
  • sources for zinc
  • spinach
  • broccoli
  • kale

What else can a cockatiel feather tell us about its health and dietary needs?

Dry brittle feathers

Dry brittle feathers in cockatiel can be caused by a lack of humidity in the environment. This can cause dry skin too. Therefore a  good humidifier will help you to increase humidity, especially in the winter months.

Dull feathers

This can be caused by a lack of vitamin d3 from sunlight in cockatiel, vitamin d3 is also needed for the absorption of calcium in your cockatiel's diet.

Stress bars

These are dark bands that run crosswise through the feathers in the cockatiel. These bars can indicate either dietary issues, stress, lack of care or it can be due to overuse of antibiotics when the feather was first forming. Stress bars are a red flag that your cockatiel's diet, emotional health, and general care need to be looked at and addressed accordingly.

Oily feathers

Oily feathers are commonly linked to liver issues in cockatiel. If you notice your cockatiel has oily feathers see your vet straight away.

Final words

So these were some causes of cockatiel feather loss and its remedies. I hope now your know everything important related to this topic.

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